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Join us for a live event!

Who’s Afraid of GitOps? 

Wednesday, March 13th, 2024

1:30 - 2:15 PM EST


GitOps is a Kubernetes configuration management practice originally defined by Weaveworks (RIP) and further popularized by OSS projects such as ArgoCD and Flux. 

While GitOps brings the obvious benefits of IaC (like scalability and a single source of truth) to Kubernetes management, it also introduces several challenges. These challenges hinder many organizations from successfully switching to GitOps as their delivery model.

Ian Miell is an experienced cloud-native technologist with multiple GitOps implementations under his belt. Join him and Ant Weiss for this discussion of GitOps, its challenges, and how to tackle them for large-scale production use.

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Session Overview

What you will learn:

- Why organizations are switching to GitOps (and why not)
- The pros and cons of popular GitOps tools
- What B&M (branch & merge) approaches to use
- How to tackle the major GitOps challenges

Who is this webinar for:

- Seasoned Kubernetes admins keen on operational excellence
- DevOps professionals contemplating the switch to GitOps
- GitOps practitioners experiencing implementation challenges
- Dev/Operations managers looking for ways to optimize software delivery

We will finish off with a live Q&A with our experts, so come prepared with your questions!

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