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Optimizing Throughout the Platform Engineering Maturity Model 

Thursday, February 15th, 2024

12:30 - 1:15 PM EST

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In October 2023, the Platform Engineering Maturity Model was released providing a framework aimed to guide the organizations investing in internal delivery platforms. The model encourages us to mature our platform engineering discipline and resulting platforms through intentional planning.   

The final level of the model is called “Optimizing” and as Donald Knuth has famously written: “Premature optimization is the root of all evil”. 

But should we really postpone all optimization until we reach that ultimate platform maturity? We think not. Rather, optimization plays different roles and has varying impacts at each level of the model.

In this session, Abby Bangser, CNCF’s Platform Working Group Lead and Platform Engineering Maturity Model Co-Author, discusses ways to continuously optimize the processes, policies, and technologies that constitute our platform throughout each stage of the model, helping you ensure the desired long-term business outcomes as you mature your operations.  

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Session Overview

What you will learn:

- A high-level understanding of the maturity model and how it is used
- How optimization can be applied throughout the stages of the maturity model 
- A deep dive into common cases of what optimization looks like for platform engineers 

Who is this webinar for:

- Platform Engineers looking for opportunities to optimize and mature their practices
- Platform Product managers with goals to provide engineers with more value, less overhead, and higher efficiency 
- CTOs/VPs/Directors focused on driving optimization to support and improve their organization’s digital transformation

We will finish off with a live Q&A with our experts, so come prepared with your questions!

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